
Vereinigung Alt-Neustadt
Schwarzenbergplatz 1
1010 Wien
Telefon: +43 1 7153759
E-Mail: info@ballderoffiziere.at

ZVR: 833448588
DVR: 4016660
UID: ATU62071304

Realisierung / Betrieb
Markus Matzhold
DI Alexander Müller-Kögler


The pictures shown on this homepage comply with the copyright regulations. With regard to foreign picture material, approval of the legal owner has been obtained. Should you still feel that your rights have been violated, please do not hesitate to contact us.


© Vereinigung Alt-Neustadt
Wiedergabe und Weitergabe von Inhalten dieser Web-Site und Verweise darauf sind nur unentgeltlich und unter der Voraussetzung gestattet, dass sowohl die Quelle als auch die Internet-Adresse genannt werden. Warenzeichen und Markennamen sind Eigentum der jeweiligen Inhaber.


With this internet homepage the Alt-Neustadt Society presents the Officers’ Ball of the Austrian Armed Forces, which it also organizes. The information given on this page is regularly updated. Notwithstanding, we cannot assume liability for

  1. the accuracy, latest status, and completeness of the information given;
  2. the wording and validity of the quoted legal provisions. The respective current official version as published in the relevant official publication organs (as a rule, the Law Gazette of the European Union, the Austrian Federal Law Gazette or the Federal Bulletin) always applies;
  3. the accuracy and lawfulness of the contents of other websites of different providers to which we have established links. The contents of linked sites were checked when adding the links. However, as the content of a website is dynamic it may change any time. Insofar, we explicitly do not appropriate the contents of other websites to which we have established links;
  4. press releases and print media.

With regard to press releases and electronic print media publications the imprints contained therein apply.

Notes on the change status

The change status indicated at the end of each page reflects the date of the last editorial change.

Notes on links

References (links) to external offers are constantly checked by us. Nevertheless, it can happen that an external offer moves, is no longer available or is inoperative. In such cases, we are grateful for a reference to the webmaster. The contents and functionality of external offers are the sole responsibility of the respective providers.